
Support Services

Customer success is our top priority at Zapier. As your trusted partner, we offer additional services to support your automation journey from the moment your team signs up with Zapier.

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customer success services

Implementation Services

Recommended if you need help getting started with Zapier

Zapier's Support team will work with you to understand your business outcomes, build your workflows and expand automation across your business.

Implementation Services

Designated Technical Support

Recommended if you need more advanced support

Zapier's Technical Support team will help you step up your automation game so your team can maximize their impact. Through regular monthly check-ins, your Designated Technical Support rep will learn the ins and outs of your account to help you solve immediate problems and dream up your next workflow.

Technical Support

Custom Coding

Recommended if you're looking for advanced customization

Your automation needs are as unique as your business. Zapier Experts can work with you to build personalized solutions, from custom coding to developing a private app.

Custom coding
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minus iconHow much is each service?
Pricing varies per service, and we tailor each engagement to your needs. Fill out the Contact Sales form to learn more.
minus iconHow do I get in touch with an Expert for Custom Coding?
Fill in the Contact Sales form and select Custom Coding in the dropdown menu. Our Experts team will take it from there and match you with an Expert who can meet your automation needs.
minus iconWhat if I'm looking for additional consulting services or deeper customizations?
In addition to offering custom coding, Zapier Experts can support you throughout your automation journey, including more in-depth automation needs. They can also provide more personalized service options, such as localized language support, app expertise, pricing flexibility, and quick project turnarounds.

Hire an Expert

minus iconWhat's the difference between Implementation Services and working with a Zapier Expert?
With Zapier's Implementation Services, you'll work with a Zapier employee to set up your workflows, from simple to complex. Zapier Experts are certified third-party consultants. They offer a wide range of services beyond implementation and are available to all customers.
minus iconWhat if I'm not sure which service I need?
We can help! Fill out the Contact Sales form to let us know your automation needs so we can get you started with the right service.

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